Doing Subject-To transactions correctly will change your life and improve your bottom line.
Imagine earning up to $40,000 per year in spendable, potentially tax-free dollars even as the real estate market is correcting and slowing down? Imagine growing your tax free retirement account while doing "subject to" deals today.
The Real Estate market will no longer forgive ignorance or newbie mistakes. It is time to get serious!
Announcing the "Serious Sub-To" All-In Package
Step 1:
Finding the Deal
Step 2:
Negotiating & Structuring the Deal
Step 3:
Papering the Deal
Subject-to real estate transactions, when properly done, can change not only your life and the balance sheet of your business, but they can spare sellers/homeowners from difficult, painful decisions involving whether or not to let a house go to foreclosure or stay trapped in a house they can no longer afford.
Imagine the immense satisfaction you will feel when you do good by a seller and make money for yourself and your family. I am being serious about this!
The key is learning how to do subject-to transactions correctly so that you solve problems instead of creating more problems due to inexperience or ignorance.
It is no longer amateur hour in this real estate market. This market will no longer forgive ignorance or newbie mistakes. It is radically different from the market of the early 2000's. We are not repeating the housing crash of 2008.
One of the biggest differences from 2008 till now is the number of state-by-state regulatory changes protecting homeowners, particularly those who are in default or foreclosure.
Did you know that it may be illegal in many states to market to individuals or offer to take over their houses when they are behind on their payments?
Neither Jeffery S. Watson nor anyone with are CPAs, nor have they ever played one on TV. You need to verify anything and everything on this website using someone you trust and who claims to be a competent tax, business, investment or legal professional of your choosing. Remember, you are 100% responsible for your decisions and actions! All material on this website is for classroom instruction only. It is here to cause you to think, to use your imagination, to ask questions and debate topics. Documentation appropriate in one state WILL NOT be appropriate in another state. A creative deal structuring and/or funding technique suitable for one transaction is not suitable for most other transactions. Warning: Those of us at fail miserably at being politically correct. If your feelings are easily hurt, if you are offended by small things, if you often feel the need to retreat to a safe place, if you regularly need hugs to comfort you, then you’ve come to the wrong website. You should leave immediately, if not sooner! There, you have been advised!
...some of the subject-to promoters out there on the internet are not completely on the up and up or up to date on the law and regulatory landscape involving loan modifications, sale and lease back arrangements and subject-to acquisitions, therefore following their advice and tactics could have serious negative consequences...
Until now, no one has been taking these issues seriously.
That's why I am on a mission. The mission is to educate and help investors do sub-to transactions correctly. I have spent 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars lobbying in DC on behalf of the real estate investing industry.
We finally have a seat at the Housing Policy table. All of that could be lost due to bad publicity from subject-to deals done the wrong way.
I call what I am offering you, "Serious Sub-To" education and training.
Serious about doing Subject-to deals the right way?
If you are the type of investor who wants to help sellers with their problem properties, make serious money for yourself, and legally stick it to the IRS, then you are in the right place.
Don't let this overwhelm you. Let me help you.
Doing Subject-To Real Estate deals does not need to be scary and it doesn't need to be complicated. It is all about finding the right deal, structuring it in a way that is clear to the seller, and documented with the correct easy to use paperwork so that it is clear to the IRS to prevent unnecessary taxation while avoiding seller amnesia and other potential legal blow back.  
The "Serious Subject-To" All-In Package does just that... and more.
Step 1:
Finding the Deal
It starts with finding the right deal.
Many times these deals come to investors based upon relationships that they have with friends and acquaintance. Remember in some states it could be potentially a bad idea to use direct marketing techniques to people who are behind on their house payments.
It is important for you to know how to talk to people. There are three simple questons to ask:
1. Why would you want to sell a nice house like this?
2. What are your immediate cash needs?
3. Would you be interested in a tax strategy offer?
After you ask each of these questions. keep your mouth shut and listen with both ears and your eyes.
A follow up question "tell me more about that reason" is always a good idea.
Step 2:
Negotiating & Structuring the Deal
Based upon the seller's answers to the questions in Step 1, you will know if you can buy the house Subject-To.
In the videos within the course we talk about two key criteria in negotiating and structuring the deal:
  • the importance of a minimum monthly cash flow. If the house will not rent for at least a minimum acceptable profit over and above the current monthly payments, then it is not a good deal for a Sub-To rental.
  • how to fill out the purchase agreement based upon the seller's specific loan information.
Step 3:
Papering the Deal
Clarity is crucial! Having paperwork properly filled out that covers all the material aspects and most of the foreseeable details is crucial for a successful deal.
Your paperwork needs to be easy to fill out, understandable by the seller, close all potential loopholes, while giving you the protection you need to stand up against IRS scrutiny or aggressive attorneys.
I can't begin to tell you all the horror stories of seller confusion or amnesia two, three years after the sub-to deal was closed. You can prevent the seller from coming back and saying "you told me that you were going to payoff my mortgage", "you said such and such", or "my lawyer said you took advantage of me."
All of this is preventable with clear carefully drafted paperwork.
How can you do this?
Presenting A Proven Step by Step System To Get You Started Right in Acquiring Your First or Your Next "Subject-To" Real Estate Deal.
The "Serious Sub-To" All-In Package
  • Digitally delivered class, Access it anytime on any device 24/7.
  • Step by Step process. Simply follow along one step at a time.
  • Perfect whether you are starting out or already have some experience.
Here is what you get...
1. "Sub To" Document Library 
Documents & Explainer Videos
The "Sub To" Document Library is my proven set of legal documents that will help you you even if you are just starting out.

It's an extensive online training masterclass that takes you by the hand and shows you and your legal team exactly how to use these documents to structure your deals.

You can pay another lawyer tens of thousands of dollars to start from scratch and hope they get it right. Or, you can get these "battle-tested" legal documents today.
Grab this extensive All-in package so that you can start using these documents with your legal team to structure your next deal.
What is included?
Module 1: Acquire
Forms related to acquiring property
Module 2: Finance
Forms related to financing property
  • COMMERCIAL PROMISSORY NOTE, IRA LOANS, 2nd lien for arrearages
  • COMMERCIAL PROMISSORY NOTE, IRA LOANS, 3rd lien for seller finance portion
  • DEED OF TRUST private lender second
  • DEED OF TRUST seller subordination
  • MORTGAGE, Private Money second
  • MORTGAGE, Seller-Finance Subordinate
Module 3: Sell
Forms related to the sale of property
  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Due on Sale in Land Contract
  • DTI Instruction Letter
  • MORTGAGE, Private Money second
Module 4: ROTH & Subject To's
Documents can be downloaded in a variety of formats: 
There are two videos included for each document:
Overview Video
This video gives an overview of the document explaining the purpose of the document when and where to use it.
Walk Through Video
This video walks through the entire document explaining what to enter for each blank space.
2. Taxation and Structuring
     "Sub To" & Wraps
In these videos, John and I deliver common sense, practical training and wisdom on not only what the tax law is, but how to adjust your business to achieve the desired result of avoiding phantom income tax when you are buying property from a burned-out landlord, maximizing your long-term capital gains, structuring installment sales, and having information to help you negotiate a better deal with your seller and buyer.
We also break down in detail what it means to be a dealer and the tax significance of that versus being a long-term capital gains investor.

All this information is in a format that you can share with your tax preparer or accountant to help you educate them.

These videos alone are worth much more than the price of this course.
What do these videos include?
Module 1: Laying the Foundations
  •  Lesson 1 - Introductions & Why You Should Listen to Us
  •  Lesson 2 - Foundational Concepts
  •  Lesson 3 - Installment Sales Treatment
  •  Lesson 4 - Capital Gains Overview
  •  Lesson 5 - Deed vs Deed of Trust vs Mortgage vs Promissory Note
  •  Lesson 6 - Default vs default "Due on Sale"
  •  Lesson 7 - Sub2 & Wrap Defined
  •  Lesson 8 - Case Law: Webb, Voight, Goodman
  •  Lesson 9 - Summary
Module 2: Installment Sales
  •  Lesson 1: Why It Matters
  •  Lesson 2: Walk through
  •  Lesson 3: Downside
  •  Lesson 4: Summary
Module 3: Power Tips
  •  Lesson 1 - Disclosures and regulators
  •  Lesson 2 - Trusts: Reality vs Fantasy
  •  Lesson 3 - Depreciation recapture, Dealer status and Selling considerations
3. Papering Up a "Sub-to" Deal with John Cochran
In this three part video series, I walk John Cochran through the process of using the Acquire documents to create the necessary paperwork and documentation to secure his "Subject-To" deal.

The "Sub To" Overview and Walk Through videos are powerful in themselves. Seeing them implemented in a real life example walking through the use of these documents will take your knowledge to a whole new level.

  •  Part 1: ATR, P&S, Trust
  •  Part 2: Title Company Closing Instructions
  •  Part 3: The Closing & Understanding The Docs Signed
4: Q&A Session for Taxation and Structuring "Sub To" & Wraps
This session is jammed packed with golden nuggets for serious sub-to investors regarding tax and legal implications.
This video features John Hyre and me answering questions about our premiere Taxation and Structuring Sub To & Wraps course.
When we opened up that other course for an early BETA preview, we were surprised to find that one-third of the people who snatched it up were either attorneys, accountants or real estate coaches. We knew we hit gold as they told us that no one is teaching the things John and I teach in this course and investors absolutely need to know this stuff. 
Listen and learn from what these experienced and newbie investors were asking John and me about. This will prime the pump for what you need to be thinking about in becoming a serious sub-to investor.
5. Using Title Holding Trusts in Subject-To Transactions
A detailed training on using trusts in Subject-To transactions, such as trustee and beneficiary selection. The powerful advantages of using a trust to buy "subject to" are explained in detail.
The current economic conditions provides an opportunity to leverage this strategy.
Here is a recap of Everything you are going to get.
  • "Sub To" Document Library - Documents
($25,000 value)
  • "Sub To" Document Library - Explainer Videos
($1,825 value)
  • Taxation and Structuring Sub To & Wraps
($2,250 value)
  • Papering Up a "Sub-to" Deal with John Cochran - 3 part series
($1,750 value)
  • Taxation and Structuring Sub To & Wraps - Q&A Session
($545 value)
  • Using Title Holding Trusts in Subject-To Transactions
($500 value)
That's OVER $31,870 of REAL Value you are getting right now!
As soon as you enroll you'll get instant access to the "Serious Sub-To" training portal.
  • Order through our safe and secure order page & receive your username and password.
  • Get instant access and get started right away.
  • Digitally delivered class, login to access the training, take the class online or download the lessons and consume it on the go!
* Instant Digital Delivery
Note: Digital Access Only - Not a physical product
Some Love From Our Customers
"I found Jeff and John's course "Taxation and Structuring Sub To & Wraps" to be such a tremendous value. The information could give you a tremendous advantage over the next guy-even if you're not a very seasoned investor. Watson and Hyre have a knack for simplifying complex tax strategies. And lastly, you could get through that part of the course in an evening if you really wanted to. You will want to listen to them several times to get all the valuable info nuggets."
Nicole Romano
"I work with students every day all around the country, and trust me, folks out there need your paperwork and need this system desperately. There is so much misinformation out there and sellers getting hurt because of it. This information is needed desperately, especially the paperwork so that things are done properly. During the short-sale era, Jeff's paperwork saved people's bacon many times over because he was doing things properly and teaching people the right way to do it, and that's what this Subject To system is all about."
Bill Rafter
Real Estate Coach

"I love Jeff and John. They are both investors, but more importantly, they are people I trust. I continue to invest in their content because I know it will be correct and legal, and it will guide me down the right path. This course on taxes for subject-to transactions and wraps is no exception. It is content-packed, immediately-usable information. With the current real estate market slowdown, everyone should learn this information so they can help even more people."
Lindsey Jensen
And It Gets Better Because You'll Also Get Over $1,100 Worth Of Special BONUSES!
Bonus #1: Creative or Criminal ($500 Value)

Six major problems to avoid when structuring your Subject-To real estate deals.

This is recent speech given by Jeff to a national audience regarding subject to transactions, various problems with them, and how to overcome those problems. Including:
The 3 worst sources of legal advice for real estate investors.
Sub-To problems you must avoid.
Bonus #2: How to Do Your First Few "Subject To" Real Estate Deals Without Fear of making Newbie Mistake, dealing with Sellers Remorse and owing too much in taxes to the IRS. ($345 Value)
This video shares the necessary steps to structure a deal using the "Subject-To" technique and what you need to know to protect yourself from bad deals, unwanted lawsuits and unnecessary taxation by the IRS, or worse.
Bonus #3 Three Power Questions to ask Sellers to Begin the Conversation about a "subject-to" purchase. ($300 Value)
This video shares the details of Step 1: Finding the Deal, presenting the questions you need to ask sellers to determine if "subject-to" is a viable solution.
More Bonuses to Come!
What is the investment to get access?
That's a good question.

You could also try to figure all this out on your own, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars and still not have the protection and peace of mind you deserve.
This class is not going to be $31,870 dollars, which you know is what it would cost to hire me directly at my current hourly rate.

This class is equal to that if not more valuable but it is way more affordable.

This class is not going to be $14,997 dollars

Not even $9,997...

When you take action today you can get "All-In" instant access to everything for $4,297
But wait...there's more
You also get "Serious Sub To" Community
Introducing the secret for getting serious about "Subject To" investing and how I, Jeff Watson, will help you to do it right.
Join a Community and Learn a Proven System To Get You Started Right in Acquiring Your First or Your Next "Subject-To" Real Estate Deal.
Get Instant access to additonal training, coaching and exclusive "Serious Sub To" community with other members that will help you on your journey to becoming a Serious Sub To investor.
What you'll get
Instant access to high-value training
You will get instant access to our archive of training sessions. Then each month you will be invited to attend a live training session.

Each of these hour-long training sessions is packed with valuable and actionable content that you can apply to your "subject to" real estate investing efforts.
I reserve the right to include additional unannounced training to thrill and delight you. We are serious about your success.
Live Group Coaching Streaming Sessions
Each month we also conduct a live group Q&A session. You can attend and ask questions live. The best part is, if you can't make these calls live, simply submit your questions in advance. Every call is recorded so if you can't make it you'll always have the recordings available.

This is your opportunity to ask your specific questions regarding "subject to" investing.

BONUS - If you prefer reading or listening to information rather than watching videos, you'll be happy to learn that all calls are transcribed and are also available via audio.
Help & Support from a private community
Our Community Forum is a place to interact with other like-minded folks, share successes, post to your progress journal, and get feedback or pose questions as you learn and grow alongside others.  
Keep in mind this is an educational forum. This is not a place to seek free legal advice.  You will need to seek out a competent and knowledgeable attorney for that.
You get One Year of Community access when you purchase.
So here's what you want to do next
  • Click on the Button below right now
  • When you do you'll reach the safe and secure order page.
  • Simply add your information. Then click the "Complete My Order" button.
  • You will then immediately reach the thank you page with important information for you to review.
  • You will also receive an email from <[email protected]> with all of your login details.
After you login, you will have access to your Serious Sub-To Bundle resources along with all of your bonuses.
All-In Bundle
Taxation and Structuring Sub To & Wraps   (Hyre & Watson)
+ Expanded "Sub To" Document Library (Modules 1-4: Acquire, Finance, Sell, ROTH)
+ Papering Up a "Sub to" Deal with John Cochran
+ Bonus Material
+ One year of Community
Advanced Bundle
+ Expanded "Sub To" Document Library (Module 1-4: Acquire, Finance, Sell, ROTH)
+ Papering Up a "Sub to" Deal with John Cochran
+ Bonus Material
+ One year of Community
Starter Bundle
+ Expanded "Sub To" Document Library (Module 1: Acquire Only)
+ Papering Up a "Sub to" Deal with John Cochran
+ Bonus Material
+ One year of Community
What is Included
  • "Sub To" Document Library (Module 1: Acquire) - Documents & Explainer Videos
  • "Sub To" Document Library (Module 2: Finance) - Documents & Explainer Videos
  • "Sub To" Document Library (Module 3: Sell) - Documents & Explainer Videos
  • "Sub To" Document Library (Module 4: ROTH) - Documents & Explainer Videos - Coming Soon.
  • Taxation and Structuring "Sub To" & Wraps with John Hyre
  • Papering Up a "Sub-to" Deal with John Cochran - 3 Part Series
  • Q&A Session for Taxation and Structuring "Sub To" & Wraps
  • Using Title Holding Trusts in Subject-To Transactions
  • Bonus #1: Creative or Criminal
  • Bonus #2: How to Do Your First Few "Subject-To" Real Estate Deals Without Fear of making Newbie Mistakes
  • Bonus #3: Three Power Questions to ask Sellers to Begin the Conversation about a "subject-to" purchase
  • Roth IRAs and "Subject To" deals. 3 different ways to do "Sub To" tax free.  Part 1 & 2
Yes, it will teach you how to help them avoid experiencing phantom income tax.
Yes, this course will give you step-by-step strategies on how to prevent being identified as a dealer by the IRS and being taxed accordingly.
The documents included are usable in nearly every state, but you will always need to have your own local attorney review them to make sure they are fine tuned for your particular state and county.
John and Jeff are both real estate investors themselves and have represented hundreds of investors over the last couple decades. They draw upon their experiences in Tax Court and other courts, appearances before regulatory bodies, meetings with members of Congress, and their own transaction knowledge and experience. Jeff began doing subject-to transactions more than 20 years ago and still has some of the closed files in storage to prove it!
John makes a living representing real estate investors before the IRS. His track record is impeccable. He is considered by many to be the go-to guy when an IRS audit goes poorly.